Bespoke samples with bookshop-specific content and buy-links have greater impact!
Bookshops can customise the online book samples provided by the Jellybooks DISCOVERY samples in a variety of ways for maximum impact across email, social media, and online product pages.
The Jellybooks DISCOVERY platform offers the following options at the end of a sample:
- Details of the bookshop itself (address, opening hours, etc.)
- An online reservation form
- A, or other third party buy button for the book
- buy buttons for linking to the product page of the retailer’s own online bookshop
- A pre-order link (in the case of options (1) to (4) above)
- An event sign-up link to promote a book launch, author signing, or reading
Bookshop Details
Bookshops can customise the buy page with details of the bookshop by including the name of the bookshop, the bookshop address and bookshop opening times.
This information is entered or amended through the Jellybooks bookshop portal and requires a registered bookshop account (log-in required).
E-mail contact information is mandatory for inclusion of a “reserve this book” button and online form (see next section).

Book Reservation Form
Bookshops can include a “reserve this book” button in their samples using an online form provided by Jellybooks. This form gives readers the option to enter their personal details along with some basic order details. Jellybooks sends these details by email to the bookshop along with details of the book the reader was viewing. It is up to the bookshop to then contact the customer by email or phone to confirm the order.
Payment is collected by the bookshop either in shop or over the phone. We strongly discourage bookshops from handling credit card details by email.
Orders are either collected in-shop by the customer or mailed by the bookshop. Please remember to confirm by email to the customer which options are available and any applicable shipping charges. and Other Third-party Bookshops
Bookshops can include a buy button to their online bookshelf on, or similar.
Bookshops should ensure that they use bookshop specific links that include their affiliate information so they can get the affiliate payment they are entitled to. All monies go to the bookshop, Jellybooks does not receive any financial reward from third party sites — we remain strictly neutral.

Buy Button for Independent Online Bookshops
Bookshops can include a buy button to their own online or ecommerce shop at the end of book samples.
Bookshops can also define the colour of the buy buttons displayed at the end of the sample to reflect their brand or logo. Font size and typeface along with button size are fixed though and cannot be customised.
Bookshops can use multiple buy buttons to link to separate editions such as hardback, paperback, signed copies, special editions, etc.
The personalisation options described in this section are available exclusively to bookshops that either (i) log in to the bookshop portal, (ii) use a third-party plug-in with a personalised feed based on a bookshop specific API key), or (iii) use the Jellybooks API directly.
Pre-Order Links
Bookshops can use pre-order links, either to third party sites such as and or their own online bookshop, if the book has not yet been published.
Samples of titles available prior to pub date are visible in the ‘pre-orders’ section of the Jellybooks Bookshop portal.

Event Sign-up Options
Bookshops can include sign-up links for events (hosted by Eventbrite or similar) or other online pages, as desired. Please note that the custom buy button colour scheme does not apply to any third-party links!

Additional information for bookshops:
- How to use online samples in bookshop newsletters
- How bookshops can use cloud-hosted book samples for social media
- Enriching online bookshop pages with digital book samples
- Express Sample Page for bookshops