there is a story behind every book

Bookshelf by Vitalsource on Kindle Fire

Please note that, as of September 2018, we no longer recomemnd to use the Bookshelf app by VItalsoure for use on KIndle Fire or any Abdroid smartphone ro tablet due a series of bugs introduced by the developer into versions 4 and higher.

Part 1: Install app

Click on the Kindle app store

Search for “bookshelf” in the Kindle app market and click the “Bookshelf” app (from Vitalsource)

Next install the app by clicking download.

Click on the “open” button once download and installation of the app on your Kindle Fire have completed.

Next log in (if you already have a Bookshelf account) or register with Bookshelf (this is completely unrelated to your Jellybooks registration).

Part 2: Download ebook

Visit, click on "My Books" and select the book you wish to read (by clicking on its cover), then click the blue "download ebook" button)

To open on the ebook in Bookshelf you can either lick on “view” while the file is downloading.

Or, if you missed it and the download has already completed, swipe screen from the top downwards, to reveal the notification menu, where you will see the ebook at the top of the list.

At the end of each chapter, you will find the purple "sync reading stream" button.