there is a story behind every book

Complimentary Review and Advance Reading Copies

The review and advance reading copies below are available in exchange for your reading data and your feedback of the book. In the case of review copies we also ask that you review the book, but only if you liked it.

Please note that you must have a Jellybooks account to claim any of these titles. If you don’t have a Jellybooks account yet, then please register here.

Advance reading copies can be downloaded as ebooks (EPUB format) to a range of supported reading apps and remain available for download via your Jellybooks cloud library at “My Books” until 60 days after a test reading campaign closes. You can also read these books with the Jellybooks Cloud Reader by clicking on the link in your confirmation email or on the “My Books” page. There is no app to install and no file to download with the Jellybooks Cloud Reader and you can use any connected device with browser support to read.

Review copies are accessible only in streaming form via the Jellybooks Cloud Reader and remain available for ninety days after you registered for the title.

Please note that you can only register for two titles at a time. If you have already registered for two titles, you must finish reading, reviewing or commenting one of the two books before you can claim a new title.

Advanced Reader Copies Review Copies

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